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Home > Book Reviews > Jance, J.A.: Deadly Stakes

Jance, J.A.: Deadly Stakes

Think back for a moment to the mysteries you read forty or fifty years ago. The detective in his black trench coat is trying to light a cigarette with a damp book of matches while rain drips off his felt hat. Cradled between his ear and shoulder is the receiver of the payphone into which he is stuffing nickles, trying to put a call in to his “Chief.” What a contrast this is to modern day police work.

In Deadly Stakes we join Ali Reynolds, former reporter, now a police-academy trained private citizen as she and her “crew” use the latest in computer technology to track down a murderer. Her beau, B. Simpson, is proprietor of an international data security firm, and with the help of his second in command, Stuart Ramey, use the latest gadgets, sometimes skirting the law to aid Ali in her quest to bring the killers to justice.

Unfortunately, Ali breaks a cardinal rule. Never go to interview a murder suspect alone. Ali is drugged, put into a trunk and hauled off to what is to be her fi nal resting place. Not getting a response to his warning message about the suspect’s husband, Stuart, B. Simpson and Ali’s man of all work and retired British Marine, Leland Brooks, start looking for Ali. Using the latest technology Stuart accesses video cameras to find out in what car she might have been abducted. Then Stuart is able to use the GPS system in Ali’s iPad which is still in her purse in the vehicle with her.

Fortunately, with all of these resources, the men who are on Ali’s side also have the resources to rent a helicopter and follow the kidnappers. When it comes down to it though, it is Leland Brooks using techniques he learned in WWII to bring down the murderer before he kills Ali.

I found Deadly Stakes to be one of the most engrossing stories J.A. Jance has written. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

by Margie Gilbert

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
