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Frequently Questioned Topics

Dreamland Villa is a 55+ community. It does not have an HOA. Instead the administrative needs are handled by Dreamland Villa Retirement Community.

Size Dreamland Villa has about 3,000 dwelling units in 18 sections. There are several areas with apartments. The homes were built from 1958 to 1974.


Activities  Most all activities are organized and put on by volunteers. Consequently, a person needs to offer to organize and conduct an activity or event for it to happen. The office staff coordinates scheduling of facilities; maintains the calendars on the website and sees that the calendars appear in the Citizen newspaper.  
More information about activities


HOA History In 2002 and 2003 an attempt was made to create an HOA in some of the sections of Dreamland Villa. A group of residents were opposed and sued. Dreamland Villa lost the law suit and the HOA that had been created was removed. It was an expensive law suit. 2010 Court of Appeals determination

CC&Rs CC&Rs commonly refers to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. It describes the rules of an HOA community. We have a similar document called Declaration of Restrictions which a new property owner should receive from their Title company. The Declaration of Restrictions is specific for a section and they vary between sections.

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community (DVRC) is a non-profit corporation. It maintains the common properties in Dreamland Villa and maintains the 55+ age-restricted status the community has. Prior to 2017 it was called the Dreamland Villa Community Club. Read much more here.

55+ age-restricted community The 55+ age restricted status requires at least one person living at the residence be 55 years or older. It does not relate to ownership, only the people residing at the residence. Read much more here.

RV Parking RV's can be stored in the rear or side yard, but cannot extend into the front yard.
Ordinance: If a travel trailer, aircraft, boat, camping trailer, truck camper or motor home is located or stored outside of a garage or carport it shall be placed in the rear yard of the lot or side yard of the lot, but not within the required front yard except that for loading and unloading purposes may be permitted for a period of time not to exceed 72 hours. Such storage shall maintain a five (5) foot clear path around any structures. [Maricopa County Zoning Chapter 11, Section 1114.1.2.]

Licensed Contractors Contractors in Arizona are required to be licensed. Use this site, Arizona Registrar of Contractors , to do a background check of any contractor you are considering hiring.

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
