To Sell, Buy or Rent in Dreamland Villa
The Dreamland Villa Retirement Community provides this information for those residents wishing to market their home for sale or to perspective buyers of a home in Dreamland Villa. This information is provided to our residents and buyers to ensure that the property and the community is being represented as factually accurate as possible. Your realtor must understand the requirements of Dreamland Villa and work with our community to fulfill our age restriction requirements and to support our community amenities. Be it the seller, buyer or realtor they each should understand that Dreamland Villa Retirement Community's mission is to retain Dreamland Villa’s standing as a 55+ age-restricted retirement community which is quiet, safe and homes are well maintained.
Seller or Seller's Agent
Things to know and provide to your realtor before you list your home for sale In Dreamland Villa!
Your realtor should clearly provide this information to prospective buyers of your home.
- Dreamland Villa Retirement Community is a 55 plus age restricted community. This means that each dwelling unit shall be occupied by at least one resident aged 55 years of age or older, and that no person 18 years of age or younger shall reside in a dwelling unit for a period longer than 90 days
- Dreamland Villa Retirement Community maintains amenities at two locations Read Hall at 320 N 55th Place and Farnsworth Hall 6159 E University. These facilities are available for viewing weekdays between 9:00 and 4:00. There is an annual membership fee.
- Dreamland Villa is surrounded by the City of Mesa. Dreamland is what is known as a "county island", governed by Maricopa County ordinances.
- Dreamland Villa homes are located on large lots with wide streets, patrolled by the community's volunteer Posse.
- The Maricopa County Ordinances allow for the parking of RV’s behind the front of home, on the sides or back of the property. Prospective buyers should be made aware of this requirement.
- Dreamland Villa does not have a mandatory Homeowners Association. The seller should complete an HOA Addendum Use lines 15 and 16 to explain it is not a formal HOA but "other".
- Sellers are obligated by law to disclose all known material (important) facts about the Property to the Buyer. Sellers must provide a property disclosure statement (SPDS).
- By signing the SPDS form you acknowledge that if you fail to disclose material information about the property you may be liable.
- Utility services are provided by SRP, Mesa water, Cox, and CenturyLink internet, and 3 waste management companies
- A majority of the homes have septic systems. Seller's are required to have the septic system inspected, emptied, and certified prior to sale.
- Fire Protection is provided by Rural Metro which charges an annual fee.
Buyer or the Buyer's Agent
If you are looking to purchase a home or to rent in Dreamland Villa Retirement Community, let us provide you with information that can help you make your decision to become a member of our community.
- The Dreamland Villa Retirement Community is a 55 plus, age restricted community one of the first in Arizona. This means that each dwelling unit shall be occupied by at least one resident aged 55 years of age or older, and that no person 18 years of age or younger shall reside in a dwelling unit for a period longer than 90 days.
- Dreamland Villa Retirement Community maintains amenities at 2 locations Read Hall at 320 N 55th Place and Farnsworth Hall at 6159 E University. These amenities are available for viewing daily between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. There is an annual membership fee to enjoy these facilities.
- Our Farnsworth Hall facility is leased to an entertainment company, T2 Presents, which provides first-class national musical entertainment. They provide a loyalty program for Dreamland Villa members to receive discounted tickets and food.
- Dreamland Villa properties are located on large lots with wide streets and quiet neighborhoods. The Maricopa County Ordinances allow for the parking of RVs behind the front of home, on the sides or back of the property. Make sure the property will provide for RV parking to meet code.
- Dreamland Villa does not have a mandatory Homeowners Association. Dreamland Villa strongly encourages homeowners to pay the annual $250 membership fee or provide a donation for the maintenance of the community's 55 plus status. Every resident of our community has a part to play in financially supporting our community.
- Dreamland Villa has its own private neighborhood patrol called the Posse made up of volunteers that give their time to help provide our residents with an added sense of security.
- Dreamland Villa is surrounded by the City of Mesa. Dreamland is what is known as a "County Island", governed by Maricopa County ordinances.
- Fire Protection is provided by Rural Metro which charges an annual fee.
- Utility services are provided by SRP, Mesa water, Cox, and CenturyLink internet, 3 waste management companies.
- A majority of home have septic systems. These systems are required to be inspected and serviced before the financial closing.
- Dreamland Villa is ideally located close to cultural activities as well as many hiking trails, and scenic adventures.
- Sellers are obligated by law to disclose all known material (important) facts about the Property to the Buyer. Sellers must provide a Property Disclosure Statement (SPDS).
- It is important that the Buyer take an active role in obtaining information about the Property
Closing cost Dreamland Villa
- Dreamland Villa has a requested transfer fee of $400 for new homeowners. This fee defers the cost of maintaining our 55 plus age restriction status. For this payment new homeowners receive two memberships to participate in our community's activities and amenities for the calendar year. Maintaining the 55 plus age restriction is what gives Dreamland Villa that distinctive character and is one of the prime reasons you should purchase your home in Dreamland Villa.
- Dreamland Villa requires an escrow fee/disclosure fee of $150 to provide for the updating of the documents necessary for the closure of the property.