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Home > Digital Library > Board of Directors Special Meeting Minutes > Board of Directors Session - March 5, 2013

Board of Directors Session - March 5, 2013

At 10:20 AM the Open Session of the Board was called to order. Andrea Hill, Temporary Secretary, called roll. Present were the Wendell Black, Harry Cole, Daniel Collins, Charles Dubbs, Patricia Fender, Agnes Forsyth, John Mathews, George Sheppard, Patricia Thorpe, Gordon Watson, Larry Wilkens and Lyle Wood. These twelve members constitute the remaining board and the newly elected members.

Red Westall opened the floor for nominations for Board President.

John Mathews was elected President and conducted the board elections during the remainder of the meeting.

Aggie was selected as Vice President.

Lyle Wood elected at Secretary.

The post of Assistant Secretary remains unfilled.

Patty Thorpe was elected Treasurer with Charles Dubbs as Assistant Treasurer.

John handed out his new board agenda, “Things To Do.” He would like to conduct a training session for the newly elected board members.

There will be a meeting on Monday, April 1, as per the by-laws, in order to swear in the new board and possibly include a social time.

George moved to adjourn and Lyle seconded. Vote carried.
Recorded by Andrea Hill

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
