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Home > A History of Dreamland Villa > More Recent Resources Added

More Recent Resources Added

The Computer Club
The club was formed after George Tinetti called a meeting of interested people in October 1995.  Dick Wing studied computer clubs in Sunland Village and Leisure World and explained it to Dreamland folks in November. By December the club was formed and officers chosen. Almost half of the group was interested in Genealogy. Other groups were formed for novices, Windows 95 and internet use. Bob and Ramona were already expert and were a big help.

The first meeting was held on January 3, 1996. Meetings were held in Read Hall using a projector for demonstrations as the club did not own a computer until later. Dues for the club were set at $12 per person per year and $15 per couple.

The computer club has continued to be popular and made many improvements in equipment over the years. You can learn more about current activities here.

Computer Class in room R-9
Computer Class in room R-9

Possee Organized
The Dreamland Villa volunteer possee was organized in 1997 to supplement the official work of the Maricopa County sheriff's office.

Their office is in the same building as the Library. Learn more about the possee here.

Acquisition of the Power Line Easement
The power line easement east from Higley Rd. to a short distance past Recker was purchased in 2001 from Farnsworth Realty and is maintained by the Club as a desert nature walk area.

Velda Rose acquired the South half of the power line easement from 56th street to Recker for a similar walkway.

Learn more about the Nature Trail here.

Exercise Room
Building the exercise room at Read Hall was done about 2001 with a $25,000 donation. The room was created from space that was in the billiard room.

Learn more about the available equipment here.

Dreamland Villa Web Site Created
The web site you are viewing was started in 2010. Easy, fast access to the internet had been available for some time, but the age of the residents meant interest was not strong. Most new residents used the internet though.

The Citizen newspaper had been the primary means of keeping folks informed. The website, like the Citizen, lists current events, but is able to be more current since it isn't published once a month. More important though, rather than emphasizing current events, the web site can provide a broad range of reference information that is useful to the residents.

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
