Shuffleboard has been around for a long time. It was first introduced in the USA in 1913. The first courts were built in Daytona Beach, Florida. This sparked the outdoor Shuffleboard Fad. Courts sprang up at resorts and retirement communitites across the country.
It is an exciting game that can be played by people of all ages for fun. It is an outdoor exercise that helps with eye-hand co-ordination. It is also a game of competitive spirit.
Here in Dreamland, we have eight courts, with two players on each end. Pucks are used that are black and yellow in color. Cue sticks are used to push the pucks up and down the court. There is a triangle on each end of the court. A ten is at the tip of the triangle, next is an eight, then a seven. On the back side of the triangle is a minus ten. Scoring is done by putting a puck on a number or numbers without touching any of the lines.