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Home > Art Room > 2012 Art Show

2012 Art Show

Peoples Choice - Misty Morning by Kay Nordberg
Peoples Choice - Misty Morning by Kay Nordberg


People’s Choice winner was a watercolor:   “Misty Morning” by Kay Nordberg.

Judging for the show was done by James Farrah, who is a very accomplished artist and teacher at Mesa Art Center.  He is an award winning watercolorist and presently has a painting on display at the Mesa Art Center’s Watercolor show in the Gallery.

Winners for this year were:  For pictures of paintings go to the links at the bottom of the page.
Beginner Class:  1st place: “Misty Morning, by Kay Nordberg; 2nd place: “Shaded Path,” by Russell Mathias; 3rd place: “Red Flowers, by Marie Kline; and honorable mention: “Minnesota Midnight” by Lore Lee Jenson.

Advanced Oils:
1st place: “A Rough Sea,” by Betty Mosier;  2nd place: “Window on the Superstitions,” by Vivian Ward-Golletz;  3rd place: “Teton Spring,” by Carol Morrow and honorable mention:  “Rock & Roll”  bt Nydia Pobran.

Advanced Acrylics: 
1st place: “Superstition Palisade,” by Rod Bilodeau; 2nd place: “Waiting on the 9th,” by Vivian Ward-Golletz;  3rd place: “Discovery Lighthouse,” by Becky DeFord; and honorable mention: “Night Magic.” by Jill Holleque.

Advanced Watercolor: 
1st place: “Puddles in the Road,” by Betty Mosier;  2nd place: “Come on In,” by Patricia Eagan;  3rd place:“Paige Creek,” by Jennifer Prest; and honorable mention: “Red House in the Woods,” by Rosemary Ipjian.

Advanced category Mixed or other Medium.  Winners were: 1st place:  “Bass Harbor Lighthouse,” by Becky DeFord;  2nd place:  “Valhalla,” by Jennifer Prest;  3rd place:  “Mighty Tide,” by Nydia Pobran; and honorable mention: “Spirit in the Forest,” by Jill Holleque. 
Semi-Pro:  1st place: “Dancing Weather,” by Gretchen price; 2nd place: “Patagonia Mountain II,” by Alicia Short;  3rd place: “Sunrise Fishing,” by Wilma Poland; and honorable mention: “Water Garden,” by Jean Koelle.
Portraits: 1st place: “Ryleigh with Flowers,” by Becky DeFord; 2nd place: “Naptime,” by Vivian Ward Golletz; and honorable mention: “After 29 Years,” by Phyllis Boughton.

Go to the follow links to see the pictures of these works.



Beginner Class

Advanced Oils

Advanced Acrylics

Advanced Watercolor

Advanced Mixed Medium

Semi Pro


Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
