Meet at 9:00 a.m in the Farnsworth Hall parking lot at the west end. Contact information for leaders can be found in the Dreamland directory.
January 9. Desert Botanical Gardens. Alless & Robert Cohrt leaders. Patio dining is available for lunch and food can be purchased. This is on Tuesday because admission is free that day, but they would appreciate a donation. The following walks are all on Friday.
January 26 at Silly Mountain. Easy trails with lunch after at Prospector Park in AJ so be sure to bring your own lunch, water, a hiking stick and wear sensible foot gear. We meet at 9 a.m at Farnsworth Hall west end of parking lot and will carpool to our destination. Jean Neuman is the leader for this outing and her number is in the Dreamland directory if you have questions.
February 9 at Veterans Park in Chandler. Darrell & Connie Merideth are the leaders. It is about 17 driving miles. We will meet at 9 am at Farnsworth hall parking lot west end. If you want to bring a sack lunch, we can use some tables and shelters they have there. The path selected is about 1 and a half mile long. However there are other paths you can use if you want more walking.
February 23 at Deer Valley. Marilyn Schuster is the leader. The Deer Valley Rock Art Center located at 3711 W. Deer Valley Road in northwest Phoenix. There are 1500 ancient drawings the grounds operated by the ASU anthropology department. There is a building containing fascinating artifacts and information about the rock art. The main artifacts are along an easy and relatively flat short hike. There are picnic tables available so walkers should bring a sack lunch. We will meet at 8:45 in the Farnsworth Hall parking lot in order to be able to leave at 9 sharp since this location is a bit farther away than some.
March 2 at Usery Mountain Regional Park on the Merkle and Vista Trails. Picnic. Bring a lunch. The leaders for this outing are Jim McKay and Donna Grube. Their phone number is in the DVRC directory. All residents are welcome.
March 16 at Phon de Sutton in the Tonto National Forest. Flat trails with some along the river where we have seen eagles and wild horses. Meet at 9:00 a.m.. Picnic. Bring a lunch. Cheryl Johnson is the leader.
March 30 at the Riparian Water Preserve on Guadalupe with lunch to follow at the Cornish Pasty. Meet at 9:00 a.m.. Jill & Steve Holleque are the leaders.