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Home > 2014 Award Winners

2014 Award Winners

Our last banquet of the winter season was March 27 at Golden Corral which began at 5:00 PM. We had the Pledge of Allegiance with Mark Boehmer leading us in the singing of God Bless America, great voices.  Dale Tatman gave the treasurer's report.  The conclusion of the report was we don’t owe anybody.  We celebrated three ninety plus golfer (Marv Dohlman, Ralph Hvidsten and Jim Pettus).  We gave accolades to Dale Tatman for his taking over the jobs running our golf club.  We presented  him a golf club bag. Steve Holleque won the 50-50.  To end the golf at Dreamland Villa Golf Course a poem was writtem by Bill Bjorklund which was resurrected from seven years ago and added to for our last banquet.

Dreamland Villa Retirement Community
320 N. 55th Place, Mesa, AZ 85205
(480) 832-3461
Adult 55+ Community
